NEON is accepting applications for a variety of research internships for undergraduates in summer 2017. Applicaitons are due Febraury 10th

From helping to design sensor assemblies to testing sampling protocols and analyzing data, interns work alongside staff mentors and explore career options in weekly professional development seminars and networking events with interns from other scientific programs based in Boulder, CO.
  • During this 11-week paid summer program, interns work 40 hours a week earning a competitive wage.
  • Furnished apartments are provided at no cost to interns.
  • Round-trip airfare from anywhere within the U.S. and Puerto Rico and a regional bus pass that meets most local transportation needs are provided.
  • Internship program dates: 22 May - 4 August 2017

2017 Intern Project Areas

  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Quantitative Ecology
  • GIS
  • Remote Sensing
  • Field Ecology & Beetle Taxonomy
  • Ecology & Remote Sensing (Foliar Chemistry)
For complete details, project descriptions, and instrucitons on applying, visit the Undergradatuate Research Internships page.