Course credit for internships

Course credit for internships

Students who are interested in obtaining credit for internships should first secure an internship with a provider. Once confirmed, contact Dr. Hudak, for permission to register for GEOG 4920/5900.

You will be required to compile a portfolio during the course of your internship and provide a letter of assessment from the internship provider. Both will be used to determine a "grade" for the course.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Graduate Assistantship in Fluvial Geomorphology

The MS Program in the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability at Northern Arizona University has a recently available position for a graduate assistant in fluvial geomorphology.  The student will be part of a collaborative research team that includes scientists from Northern Arizona University and the U.S. Geological Survey working on issues related to sandbars, sediment storage, riparian vegetation, and recreational camping beaches on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. 

Applicants should have (or be finishing this spring) an undergraduate degree in geology or a related field.  The student could seek a graduate degree in either Geology or Environmental Sciences and Policy, depending on background and interest.

Interested students should contact Paul Grams for further information.

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