Course credit for internships

Course credit for internships

Students who are interested in obtaining credit for internships should first secure an internship with a provider. Once confirmed, contact Dr. Hudak, for permission to register for GEOG 4920/5900.

You will be required to compile a portfolio during the course of your internship and provide a letter of assessment from the internship provider. Both will be used to determine a "grade" for the course.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Full-time Entry Level Hydrogeologist

Clear Fork Consulting Services is in need of an entry level Hydrogeologist candidate (who has recently graduated) for a position in our Fort Worth office. 

We have experience in the fields of environmental geology, hydrogeology, and computer aided contaminant fate and transport modeling.  We are specialists in hydrogeologic investigations and pilot testing, UST assessments, groundwater modeling, contaminant plume delineation, remedial system design and implementation, environmental risk assessments and emergency response coordination.

If interested, please send a resume to my attention via email to

office  817.625.2596 | mobile  940.597.4465
4200 N. Main, Suite 250
Fort Worth, Texas 76106

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