Course credit for internships

Course credit for internships

Students who are interested in obtaining credit for internships should first secure an internship with a provider. Once confirmed, contact Dr. Hudak, for permission to register for GEOG 4920/5900.

You will be required to compile a portfolio during the course of your internship and provide a letter of assessment from the internship provider. Both will be used to determine a "grade" for the course.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Multiple positions - Tom Tom

We have two alumni currently working for Tom Tom, best known for their mobile GPS units. They have several positions they are looking to fill.

Geographic Field Analyst - Multiple US Cities
One of five different US cities (includes Houston). The candidate should have performed extremely well in GIS courses, made a good impression, and has a strong work ethic.

Mobile Mapping Van Operator
A van operator who is knowledgeable in GIS, but especially someone who is fairly proficient in hardware/software troubleshooting. This person also should not mind living in hotels for most of the time. Someone who has recently graduated and is living at home with their parents would be a good choice.

Sourcing Research Analyst          

Production Support Analyst

These last two positions are based in Lebanon, NH, corporate headquarters of Tom Tom, and would be ideal for recent graduates who have performed well in GIS courses and are interested in an entry-level career in digital mapping (and would like to live in Northern New England).

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