Course credit for internships

Course credit for internships

Students who are interested in obtaining credit for internships should first secure an internship with a provider. Once confirmed, contact Dr. Hudak, for permission to register for GEOG 4920/5900.

You will be required to compile a portfolio during the course of your internship and provide a letter of assessment from the internship provider. Both will be used to determine a "grade" for the course.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Staff Geologist

Job Description:
Provide geological support for the planning and execution of well drilling programs by developing and maintaining structurally and geologically valid 3-D models of Pioneer’s Permian Basin assets using Petrel. In close cooperation with Asset geoscientists, develop characterizations of the Permian assets that fully integrates well, seismic, completion and production data into a valid model that is useful to accurately design development well trajectories and completions, and estimate outcomes of drilling and completion activities. Communicate regularly and in a timely way with the Asset Team and Geophysical Technology Team at all stages of the process to ensure a technically credible, consistent and up-to-date geological interpretation. This job description reflects the minimum job duties for the lower level position.

A Master's degree in Geosciences is required, with a minimum of 4 years of petroleum industry interpretation experience. Successful candidate will be integrating geologic well data with newly acquired 3D seismic data to create detailed depth-structure, amplitude, and isopach maps on reservoir intervals of interest. Utilize advanced log interpretation results generated by Asset petrophysicists to create geologically valid models of the spatial distributions of reservoir properties, and assist in estimation of potential pay and reservoir volumetrics. Utilize synthetic seismograms, checkshot and other data to generate valid time-depth relationships that accurately tie well and seismic data. Utilize seismic attribute volumes generated by the Geophysical Technology Team to develop credible quantitative models of the distributions of hydrocarbons in place and rock strength parameters. Coordinate storage of field, and well data and ensure that current and valid digital data are loaded to the Petrel environment from appropriate databases. Provide assistance in rock properties, reservoir characterization, and reservoir performance/simulation studies including the development of earth models for input to reservoir simulations. Make models and model results readily available and useable in day-to-day operational decision-making by Asset staff. These requirements reflect the minimum requirements for the lower level position. The level at which a candidate is hired into is dependent upon the skill level and previous related experience of that candidate and the minimum qualifications for such level that they are hired.

Kimberly Palmer | Assistant Operations Manager | CornerStone Staffing - Addison | 972.242.4888 | |

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