National parks and NPS programs develop and oversee structured projects in one or more of the following interdisciplinary areas: climate change science and monitoring; resource conservation and adaptation; policy development; sustainable park operations; facilities adaptation; and communication/interpretation/education. During the internship, students apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to climate change challenges and communicate with diverse stakeholders. Interns who successfully complete the YLCC, an approved Direct Hire Authority Internship program, will be eligible to be hired non-competitively into subsequent federal jobs once they complete their degree program. These jobs would be in the Department of Interior (DOI), NPS, or one of the other bureaus within the DOI. An intern must qualify for the job in order to be hired non-competitively.
Quick Facts and Deadlines:
• The YLCC is managed cooperatively with the University of Washington
• Internship opportunities and application forms are posted on
• Internships are 12 weeks (40 hours/week) during the summer
• Interns are paid $14/hour plus benefits
• Applications are accepted from early December 2014 until late January 2015
For more info: