Course credit for internships

Course credit for internships

Students who are interested in obtaining credit for internships should first secure an internship with a provider. Once confirmed, contact Dr. Hudak, for permission to register for GEOG 4920/5900.

You will be required to compile a portfolio during the course of your internship and provide a letter of assessment from the internship provider. Both will be used to determine a "grade" for the course.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Research Internships - Southern Calif Earthquake Center

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) is offering two paid summer research internships in 2012:

Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT) is an 8-week team-based undergraduate research program that allows students to work in multi-disciplinary collaborative teams to tackle a scientific "Grand Challenge" where they use the advanced tools of information technology to solve important problems in interdisciplinary earthquake research. During the 2011 internship the focus of the program was to develop a Seismic Sequence Visualization System based on SCEC-VDO and GIS that can display earthquake sequences, monitor their evolution in space and time, and assess their hazards and risks. SCEC-VDO is the SCEC intern-developed visualization software that allows the user to see earthquake related phenomena in three dimensions.

The SCEC Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is an 8-10 week program that pairs a student, one-on-one, to conduct research with a pre-eminent earthquake scientist or specialist. Many SURE interns also have the opportunity to work alongside graduate students and post-doctoral researchers, and thus gain the special perspective of these early career professionals.

Priority application deadline for both programs is: 27 February 2012
Learn more about and apply to UseIT and SURE at:
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